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Ballooning > Balloon Festivals > USA > Midwest

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Showing Results 1 - 13 of 13

  • McCook Freedom Flight - Annual balloon rally in McCook, Nebraska each October. Information, schedules, directions and pilot sign up forms.

  • BalloonFest 2003 - BalloonFest takes place during early August in Oklahoma City, OK. Some of the events offered include a balloon race, tethered balloon rides, live entertainment, sky diving demonstration and bicylce stunt team demonstration.

  • Balloons Over Mt. Vernon Festival - The Mt. Vernon Outland Airport will be the back drop of Balloons Over Mt. Vernon and Fly-in. The event will host over 18 hot air balloons, 5 K run, war birds,tether balloon, pancake breakfast, and much more! Mid-October in Mt. Vernon, Illinois.

  • Centralia Balloon Fest, Centralia, Illinois - The Official Centralia Balloon Fest Site - Dates, Times, Events and more information on this mid-August balloon festival.

  • Hudson Hot Air Affair - Wisconsin's chilliest balloon festival in early February. Complete schedule of events.

  • Huff'n Puff Hot Air Balloon Rally - Held in early September every year for the last 30 years, this balloon festival is in Topeka, Kansas.

  • Jackson Michigan Hot Air Jubilee - The Jackson, Michigan Hot Air Jubilee is held the third weekend in July. Events include mass balloon launch, aircraft displays, live entertainment and arts and crafts show.

  • Michigan Challenge Balloonfest - The Michigan Challenge Balloonfest features a balloon glow, skydiving team, arts festival, car show and a medivial village. This event takes place in Howell, MI at the end of June.

  • Midwest SkyFest - Big July balloon festival in Kentland, Indiana. Free admission, hot air balloons, balloon rides and balloon glow, Outdoor cinema, All American Lumberjack Show, Big Double Bungee Trampoline, Fireworks, Monstrous Kites, Great Food, and Live Music.

  • National Balloon Classic - National Balloon Classic  host the North Central Regional Championship during early August at Indianola, Iowa.

  • Touchstone Energy Balloon Festival - October ballooning festival at Lake Shelby, Illinois.

  • High Plains Freedom Flight - The High Plains Freedom Flight II will take place October 18, 19 and 20th, 2002 in McCook Nebraska. Join us in celebrating our freedom with the beauty of balloons. 20-30 balloons are expected with 5 launches planned over the weekend.

  • 25th Annual Hot-Air Balloon Races - Creston, Iowa balloon festival during mid September.


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