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  • Balloon Pilot Wanted near Philadelphia 2014 - Commercial Chief Pilot needed for May thru November must have 1000 hr with 400 hrs in 150 or larger. Fly 2 times a day must be good with passengers and crew. We offer per flight pay, place to stay, and a car days off. We fly 160, 150, 105 77. Our newest is a 160 from June 2012. Please contact Rick Schimpf at

  • Pilot Wanted for Masai Mara, Kenya - Skyship Co., LTD is currently looking for hot air balloon pilots to fly class C passenger balloons in the Masai Mara, Kenya. We are looking for experienced pilots with admirable work ethic who are professional and have a good personality.
    Please send your CV to and visit our website at

  • Commercial Pilot Wanted - Commercial Pilot wanted for 2019 season by Ace High Ballooning in Middle Tennessee. Must have minimum of 100 hours in AX-8 or larger. Contact Bob Grimes; 615-423-7042. Email:

  • Zebedee - Situations Vacant - Great classifieds site listing available flying jobs for balloon pilots. Listings include Europe, Australia, Africa, sometimes more.

  • Balloon Pilot Jobs in Europe with Bombard - The Bombard Society balloons seasonally in France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Turkey. We are looking for well presented pilots with creative but safe flying skills.

  • Two Hot Air Balloon Pilot Positions in Napa Valley, CA. - Balloons Above The Valley is seeking an experienced pilot to join a well-established company in one of the world's most beautiful places. Mostly Cameron Balloons, A250, A315, A400.

    Napa Valley hosts over 4 million visitors per year. Attractions include wineries and restaurants with hot air ballooning the number one outdoor adventure activity. The weather is moderate year round providing excellent conditions for hot air ballooning.

    Full time employment April-Nov (5 days per week) minimal pre flight and post flight duties. Flying year around, slow in the winter (Dec. Jan. Feb) and busy in the spring, summer and fall.

    Pilots should be a team player, safety oriented, responsible, with a positive attitude and well developed people skills. Please have experience flying passengers in 250s, 315s or larger and understand the importance of public relations with customers and crew. Employment agreement available.

    Check out their website [editors note: I've linked to the brunch menu...] then email resume, names and phone numbers of past employment to or call 707-258-8888 ext 205.

  • Balloon Pilot wanted in Wadi Rum, Jordan - Balloon Pilot wanted to fly over the Beautiful Deserts of Wadi Rum; the home of the Incense trail and Lawrence of Arabia. We have two balloons, one 5 seat (Kubicek) and one 16 seat (Ultra-Magic). Must have at least 500 hours flight time. Great Pay, food and accommodation included. It is a seasonal position from March-June and Sept.-Dec. Contact:
    Basmah Bani Ahmad

  • Pilot Wanted for Amboseli, Kenya - East African, Kenyan ballooning company is seeking Pilots for passenger ride operations.Here's your chance to fly a Cameron 315 over the stunning wildlife of Kenya's Amboseli National Park in the shadow of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Our flying season extends year round, thus it is a year round opportunity with preference for long-term relationship. Option for business partnership with the right person is open for discussion. Visit our web site at is a year round position with food and lodging. We will also obtain all necessary work permits.Minimum of 500 hours logged in flight time required. Big balloon experience, demonstrable flying abilities, and sound decision making skills are an obvious requirement. Also important are attitude, personality, and the ability to consistently get the job done without oversight and without sacrificing safety. A pilot who is entertaining, creative and personable, with outstanding flying skills in showing our guests the best professional ballooning can offer. Pilot licensed in maintenance is an added advantage. Food and accommodation is provided. For additional information please contact:Bhavisha Patel (917) 576-0148 (U.S.A) or email; orKirit Patel 0797-414-4928 (U.K)Rommy 011-254-72218340 (Kenya) Solex@wananchi.comHarp Bamrah : Inquiries will be treated confidentially.

  • Pilot Jobs In Turkey - Currently seeking balloon pilots For the 2006-2007 season with minimum 300 hours to fly ride balloons in the best region of the world: Kapadokya - Turkey! 300 flying days and soft winds allow you to land straight on the trailer in 90% of flights! Spectacular scenery and nice people. Housing, salary, food, paperwork will be provided by the company and 7 brand new Lindstrand balloons are waiting for you + more than 15 new full option vehicles.


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