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Ballooning > Learn To Fly > Instruction > Europe

All about hot air balloons and ballooning.

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Showing Results 1 - 11 of 11

  • Balloon Castle - Pilot school in Czech Republic. Get your licence today for less money. Both the instruction and exams can be in English.

  • Lindstrand Balloon School, Spain - Here in Ronda, one hour inland from the Mediterranean coast, we specialise in intensive flight training for would-be pilots of hot air balloons, usually on a one-to-one basis. Earn a British license.

  • Atlantic Ballooning - Dutch ballooning company offers balloon rides and flight training in Holland. In Dutch.

  • Ballonfreunde Nordheide e.V. - Balloon pilot training in Germany. Earn your German license. Site in German. Verein zur Pflege des Ballonsports, Ballonfahrerschule Pilotenausbildung.

  • Balloon Promotion Flight School - Balloon pilot lessons in Ceva, Italy and from airports in the Piedmont to provide airspace experience. Instructors include Peter Contegiacomo, Alessandra Benso, Dr. Cesar Gardini, and Mark Pistarino.

  • Communication in Flight - Flight school operates mostly in Emilia, Italy, but occasionally provides training at other locations. The instructor is Paul Barbers, pilot and organizer of aerostatic gatherings, and past champion.

  • Diamante Mongolfiere - Balloon pilot school, directed by Luciano Lanzoni, based in Faenza, Italy. Qualified also as school for instructors.

  • Hot-Air Ballooning in Russia - AERONATC - 10 day flight instruction course in Moscow earns your Russian Federation pilot's certificate. In English.

  • International Youth Ballooning Camps - International youth ballooning camps in Germany features both hot air and gas balloons as youth learn about the exciting sport of ballooning.

  • Lindstrand Balloon Flight School in Italy - Operated by Associazione Aerostatica Toscana in the heart of Tuscany and Chianti in Italy. Train for a British pilot license near Florence and Siena. Site in English and Italian.

  • Montgolfières de Gascogne - Ecole de Pilotage - Balloon pilot training in southwestern France. Site in French.


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