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Ballooning > Organizations > Clubs

All about hot air balloons and ballooning.

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Showing Results 41 - 60 of 68

  • Mid Hants Balloon Club - Information for those interested in Ballooning in the Hampshire area of England.

  • Mid-Mississippi Balloon Club - Details of monthly meetings, competition results, safety seminar, nearby ballooning events, and a ballooning hotline for Mississippi.

  • Minnesota Ballooning Association - The MBA was formed to promote the sport of Hot Air Ballooning in the state of Minnesota through education, landowner relations and goodwill.

  • Montgolfier Society of Indiana - Indiana's oldest and largest hot air balloon club consisting of balloon pilots, crew members, observers, and other people interested in ballooning. Indiana ballooning information.

  • Nebraska Balloon Club - Aims to encourage safety in the sport of ballooning, to increase communication, and to promote the spirit of ballooning. Sponsors monthly club flights, a banquet, and balloon festivals in Nebraska. Site has list of red zones and green zones, plus photos of members balloons.

  • Northeast Ohio Balloon Pilot's Association - Active group of Ohio Balloonists.

  • Pacific Coast Aeronauts (PCA) - Northern California based balloon club organizes flying events, safety seminars, monthly meetings with guest speakers, and good landowner relations. Very active, with over 100 members.

  • Plano Balloon Association - Active balloon club based in North Texas.

  • Pragobalon CZ - Prague balloon club, info on ballooning in Czech Republic, festivals, balloon rides, their pilots and balloons. In multiple languages. Balonklub Praha

  • Sioux Falls Ballooning Association - A South Dakota Club that meets monthly to organize ballooning events in the Sioux Falls area, socialize with other balloonists, and discuss ballooning in the area.

  • Southeastern Michigan Balloon Association, Inc - Balloon club for pilots & crew in Michigan.

  • Southern California Balloon Association - The club promotes safety and education in ballooning and sponsors safety and educational seminars. Organizes informal competitive and recreational events. Meetings and events are held monthly.

  • The Adams Family HABT - The Adams Family now consists of pilots and crew who fly the Adams brand balloon regardless of geographical location. A very unique group.

  • The Great Plains Balloon Club - A non-profit dedicated to the promotion and development of the art, science and sport of hot air ballooning in the city of Topeka and the state of Kansas as a whole. Safety, courtesy and fraternity are the club's highest goals.

  • The Hong Kong Balloon and Airship Club Web Site - The Hong Kong Balloon and Airship Club is a non-profitable organisation.

  • Tidewater Balloon Ownership Club - Members wanted! As a member you will be a part time owner of a new AX-7 hot air balloon and a closed in trailer. Members will be entitled to use the balloon at their own discretion. Virginia area.

  • Top Gun Home Page - New Mexico Competition Organization

  • Trondheim Ballongklubb - Trondheim, Norway hot air balloon club page, in English.

  • Voar em Portugal - Flying in Portugal. Site in Portuguese.

  • Waikato Hot Air Balloon Club - To promote the Sporting, Educational and Safety aspects of Ballooning in the Greater Waikato area and to provide a training arena for all aspects of Ballooning.


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